Wednesday, 18 June 2014

You Can’t Coach a Dream!

In order to facilitate your client’s Desired Outcome, you should always coach with an “end in mind”.  For most clients, the “end in mind” will be the successful achievement of their Desired Outcome.

But therein lies the rub!

Many clients will be able to eloquently express their desires! They want to be fit, happy, rich, in a relationship, 30 lbs lighter, fulfilled, successful . . . . the list goes on and on!  But they may be vague on the outcome. Where do the need to go, and what will they need to do in order to turn their desire into an actual outcome?

There are three “stages” of coaching that will be present in virtually any coaching situation.  They are:

1 - Desire 
2 - Vision
3 - Outcome

As a coach, it is imperative that you not only understand the subtle differences between these three stages, but that you learn to skilfully maneuver your clients from one stage to the next. This is a coaching “process” that, when properly applied, will take your clients to their Desired Outcome in a practical and purposeful manner!

Any desire that is not properly nurtured and left unattended will soon wither away. And while most people will start by creating a dream about what it is they wish to achieve, that dream must be converted into a vision before it dies.

By itself, a desire has no accountability! It carries no responsibility. And it offers no stability! It will be nothing more than an elusive dream and you can’t coach a dream!  The first thing you need to do as a coach is to convert a dream or desire into a genuine vision!

A Vision is a dream in 3-D. You can actually step inside your vision and start to follow it! But unlike a dream or desire, your vision requires accountability! And since accountability is tangible and can be measured, it can also be coached. As a coach, you must help your client convert a dream or desire into a vision.

A vision is a realization of what is possible. It is in fact the Desired Outcome you’re client wants to achieve! But coaching your clients to their vision can be just as challenging as taking them from the realm of a dream and converting that desire to a vision.  Especially if that vision takes them into a distant future. Any vision that will require more than 6 months to achieve, is not a coachable goal. In order to for you to be a results-driven and goal-oriented coach, you must approach your client’s vision incrementally in segments that are between 3 to 6 months in duration. Each segment will have its own objective, require its own coaching program and will create a tangible “milestone” on the path to the client’s ultimate Desired Outcome – their vision!. Each segment will therefore have its own unique outcome!

So you’ve converted your client’s dream into a vision of what is possible and now you are ready to coach your client toward that Desired Outcome by always keeping the “end in mind”! And you’ve outlined this process in your Coaching Proposal, together with an estimate of the timeline to achieve the final objective. But if the Desired Outcome is more than 6 months away (according to your timeline), your Coaching Proposal must also contain a detailed description of the Coaching Program that will take your client to the next outcome, milestone or segment.  This is the segment your client must complete and the outcome that must be achieved, before moving on to the next part of the journey.

Depending on the grandeur of your client’s vision and the scope of the Desired Outcome, this will be your opportunity to create a long-term relationship with your client that will remain purposeful, results-driven, goal-oriented and lucrative for the duration of the journey!

© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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