Thursday, 17 April 2014

Is It Time For A Coaching Reality Check?

“I’m struggling as a coach and OMG . . . . I may have to get a J.O.B.!”

I don’t know if you spend a lot of time going through your spam box to read about the myriad of solutions that are available to struggling coaches . . . . for a price! Now, I don’t want to tar the whole array of coaching trainers, certifiers and mentors with the same brush. There are some excellent programs out there, created by people who genuinely care!

But when I hear some coaching trainers suggest that unsuccessful coaches may have to get a job, I cringe.

Are they suggesting that professional coaching is not a job? Where did that notion come from?

Now I do understand that there is pain in working for a living! And having a job can be synonymous with that pain! Especially when these same gurus tell you that they themselves enjoy a 4 hour work week from their ocean front condo on the shores of Maui.

And to accentuate the pain you’re now feeling, they spell job in capital letter with periods in between!

J.O.B.! Ouch, that really hurts!

Well, here’s a reality check!

Professional coaching is a JOB! Whoever thinks that it isn’t is in for a rude awakening! We can argue about semantics by calling it a profession or a business, but if we don’t treat it as a job, it becomes a hobby! And hobbies very seldom create income!

So what is fueling the notion that coaching is not a real job?

It is the perception that abundance can be created with little or no effort! Brendon Burchard reminds us that he comes from a small town called WORK! I think it behooves us all to try and locate that place on the map!

For me, coaching is a wondrous profession. It is the best profession on earth!

But make no mistake! IT IS A JOB!

And as with any job, not every aspect of coaching is fun! You need to be disciplined to go to work, even if your “office” is in a corner of your bedroom. You need to market your services, so that people get to know about you. You need to put yourself out there, even if that is outside your comfort zone!

And you must become the professional that your clients will want to work with!

If you can do all that in four hours a week, then “package” your secret. You’ve got a product to sell!

But you may discover that coaching is actually hard work and you better be prepared to work long hours if you want to be successful!

And that’s the reality check!

© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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