Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Select a “Restore Point” for your Coaching Practice.

In one of my previous posts, I asked the question “Do You Know Your Client’s Profile?”

Your client’s profile allows you to identify the goals, objectives and challenges that are unique to your niche. But equally important is your ability to identify WITH these goals, objectives and challenges. In other words, your own profile as a coach must be congruent with that of your clients!

Coaching has the unique distinction of facilitating a Desired Outcome without actually creating it! You are not a consultant who provides an outcome or a counselor who identifies one. Your clients must be the architects of their Desired Outcome, while you facilitate its achievement!

These distinctions are often blurred and many coaches find themselves re-defining their role in the determination of their coach/client relationship. If the coaching definition is too rigid, then the coaching becomes constricted and the ability to facilitate a Desired Outcome is often compromised. On the other hand, if the role of the coach is too broad, the relationship with the client becomes subjective and the ‘accountability factor’ is no longer discernible.

Once your client profile and your personal coaching profile are aligned, you are able to provide the coaching services your clients are looking for! You’ll be able to deliver the value that clients are prepared to pay you for!

But your personal coaching profile may have been compromised over time. It may have been subjected to the ill-gotten advice from some coaching gurus, trainers and certifiers who are trying to impose their narrow and restrictive points of view on what coaching should be.

The irony is that your clients really don’t care by whose definition you produce results. They simply want the results and if you can produce them, your clients will reward you for your services!

Instead of looking for new shiny objects to advance your coaching career, take a step back.

What compelled you to become a coach in the first place?
What were the driving motivators behind your decision to become a coach?
What are the unique values you can bring to your coaching clients and are these values aligned with your authentic self?

If your coaching practice is out of alignment with your personal values it will not produce the results your clients are looking for. Nor will it generate the financial rewards you are entitled to.

Perhaps it’s time to select a “Restore Point” for your coaching practice!

This is where you’ll start to align your personal coaching profile with that of your coaching niche. This is where your previous coaching profile may have taken a wrong turn!

Make a list of the ‘wrong decisions’ you made in your coaching career, dating back to your Restore Point, so that you won’t make the same choices again. You must also identify the personal dreams, hopes and ambitions you once had as a coach that were left behind at your Restore Point, so you can determine if they still have relevance in your coaching practice today.

© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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