The needs of the 80% of coaches can be summarized as follows:
1 – They need more clients
2 – They need to make more money
And since the obvious correlation between these two needs begins with having more client, the vast majority of coaching training is focused on “client attraction”.
I believe that not having enough clients is only a symptom of an unsuccessful coaching practice, but not its root cause! If a coach is not running a successful and profitable coaching business, there are only three reasons:
1 – They do not give their clients what they want.
2 – They do not provide their clients with the coaching services that they ask for.
3 – They do not give them enough VALUE for their money!
The real problem is that these coaches are not providing their clients with the one thing that clients want most of all! The one thing that most clients are prepared to pay huge coaching fees for!
There are only two things that truly matter to a client:
1 – They want a coach that can help them solve a specific problem or challenge. The do not want a coach who simply bounces it back at them!
2 – They want a coach with the expertise to facilitate the achievement of a Desired Outcome. And if that coach is not you, they’ll find a coach who has!
Most coaches understand that a successful practice begins by identifying a specific niche that the coach can relate to. This can be in relationships, business, health & wellness, personal development, spiritual growth . . . . the list is endless!
But a step that many coaches overlook is the creation of an actual profile for their niche clientele.
Here are seven profile criteria that you must understand about your niche if that niche is going to become the foundation for your coaching practice:
1 – What are the major challenges of this profile?
2 – What are the common goals and objectives of this profile?
3 – Are these goals, objectives and challenges unique to this profile?
4 – Can you identify with this profile?
5 – Have you had personal experience with this profile?
6 – How has that experience changed your personal profile?
7 – Based on your personal experience, can you facilitate change in this profile?
The more detailed and sophisticated the profile of your niche clientele, the better your ability to effect change for your client (VALUE) and the greater your monetary rewards (FEES).
Do you know your client’s profile?
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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“PersonaCoach™ teaches Life & Business Coaches from around the world how to be EXPERTS at what they do and charge EXPERT FEES for what they do. Get your FREE eBook “Become a Coaching EXPERT and Charge EXPERT Coaching Fees” at
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