Friday, 29 January 2016

3 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Be Coaching For RESULTS!

When a client achieves a Desired Outcome with your help as a coach, the VALUE of that result will be far greater than the coaching fees they invested in you!

In one of my previous articles, I explained the concept of creating a “Coaching Trajectory”. It’s the “pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow”! It is the “one thing” that clients want to achieve. And it’s the result you must deliver!

But often this “trajectory” goes off course! The arrow misses its target. The golf ball lands in the rough. The goal is out-of-reach!

In my early days as a coach, I would always set my sights on the VISION that was my clients target! But invariably that “vision” shifted over time. It would become blurry and unfocused.

The trajectory missed its mark!

I spent years trying to create the perfect trajectory for achieving results! But there is no “perfect trajectory”! When an airplane follows a certain trajectory to fly from point A to point B, it constantly “adjusts” the course trajectory. It makes compensations to avoid turbulence. It climbs in altitude to take advantage of favorable wind currents! It never flies in a straight line!

Your coaching trajectory also requires constant changes in direction. As a coach, you are the “navigator” on your client’s plane. You are constantly plotting new directions for your client’s journey without ever losing sight of the final destination.

The RESULT your client is after! The “one thing” they want to achieve with you as their coach! And there are 3 compelling reasons why you should be coaching for results!

1 - RESULTS = High-End Coaching Fees
Clients don’t pay for coaching. They pay for RESULTS! In a previous article, I outlined the specific formula for determining your high-end coaching fees! The closer your “Coaching Trajectory” is aligned with your client’s Desired Outcome, the higher you can set your fees and the less resistance your client will have to paying you what your worth.

But you must create the perception for the client that you are in fact delivering those results with your coaching program. And that perception must be constantly reinforced with the achievement of each “milestone” along the trajectory! (I discussed the value of creating “Coaching Timelines” in a previous post)

2 - RESULTS = Long-Term Client Relationships
If you want to develop long-term relationships with your clients, there is no better way than consistently delivering results!  Most people are creatures of habit. And when the find something they like, they keep coming back to it!

I used to be a “news junkie” on CNN. I would faithfully watch Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper and a variety of other CNN notables. I spend hours watching these people spinning the same “breaking news” and then analyze it “ad nauseam”. And then I realized that I didn’t care so much about “what they said”. I just wanted them to be in my living room! They had become a part of my “extended family”!

When you deliver the results your clients are looking for, you will become a part of their extended family! You will become their mentor and confidant! And as long as you keep delivering the results they need to achieve, they’ll “adopt” you!

3 - RESULTS = Constant Client Referrals
Marketing legend Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”  For your coaching clients, that “one thing” is RESULTS!  You see, you can have higher coaching fees, but your referral sources will always support you because you are a coach who delivers results!

Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says that leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. How do you get influence with your coaching clients? By delivering results! Bring them results and they will bring you referrals. It’s the “Law of Reciprocity”!  You can be the most “accredited” coach in the world, but without delivering results no one will care and you’ll go broke! 
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© Allan N. Mulholland

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About Allan
Allan N. Mulholland is the founder and president of PersonaCoach (Int'l) LLC, which provides training and certification for life & business coaches. He is the author of “Change Your Perception, Change Yourself!” and writes on all aspects of coaching training and development.

To get Allan’s free Book “Clients Don’t Pay for Coaching. They Pay for RESULTS!” go to (Available January 14th, 2016)

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