Friday, 29 January 2016

Do You Have a Coaching Trajectory?

When a client hires a coach, they always have a certain objective in mind. This may be a relationship, a new career, getting into shape, starting a new business venture, the list goes on and on! Call it what you will, but every client you’ll work with will have some sort of result they want to achieve “at the end of the coaching rainbow”.

For many clients, the “results” they want to achieve are often as illusive as the “pot-of-gold” that lies at the end of the rainbow. They want to make that “special connection” with someone, but they don’t know how or where! They want to make a career change, but they just don’t know what new career they want to pursue! They want to get into shape or lose weight, but every time they start a new diet or fitness program, their long-term commitment fizzles! They want to become entrepreneurs, but the process is just too overwhelming!
The “rainbow” is always out there beckoning your clients, but the “pot-of-gold” seems out of reach! And that’s why they need your help!

Many traditional coaches make the mistake of offering to coach their clients toward a goal without a systematic approach to deliver the results that clients are after! Instead of following an illusive “rainbow”, your clients must follow a very specific “trajectory” that will take them to their goal and deliver the results they want to achieve!

But a “Coaching Trajectory” is not the same as a “Coaching Timeline”! Coaching “timelines” are very specific in duration and outcome. They must achieve a certain goal or objective within a specified time period. I usually create coaching timelines between 3 to 6-month maximum. That way I can deliver results with a degree of certainty and accountability! If it takes longer than 6 months, I am coaching a vision!

Visions are impossible to coach toward, for they lack clarity and focus. They are subjective and impossible to measure! Yet, these “visions” are often what clients want to achieve. They want to meet their “soulmate” for a lifetime of happiness (VISION)! They want to find their “dream job” (VISION)! They see themselves in that slimmer, trimmer dress (VISION)! They want to be the entrepreneur who can build that amazing business. (VISION)!

So, while the “rainbow” may be illusive, the coaching timeline is often restrictive. But if you sign a client up for a one-year coaching program to find an ideal relationship, their prospects for getting a life partner are suddenly projected onto a one-year timeline! Good luck selling that package! So set interim goals (timelines) to achieve certain milestone, e.g. a first date! Reaching milestones with your coaching program creates accountability between coach and client!

A string of “milestones” eventually creates a clear and solid path toward the ultimate Desired Outcome . . . . in this case finding a “soulmate”! The same principles apply to other types of results that your clients are after. Finding a “dream job” may require a number of milestones that your client must achieve. Maybe a different degree or specialized training? Maybe a relocation to another city or state?

Creating interim goals for weight loss may lead to the body image your client has envisioned. Building a start-up business has so many moving parts, that the objective can be intimidating and overwhelming. Yet each “moving part” is a milestone on a coaching timeline!

No matter what, the path to achieving a Desired Outcome is a “trajectory” for the client. But instead of chasing rainbows in search of an illusive “pot-of-gold”, you will have a “Coaching Trajectory” that will deliver the results your clients hired you for!
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© Allan N. Mulholland

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About Allan
Allan N. Mulholland is the founder and president of PersonaCoach (Int'l) LLC, which provides training and certification for life & business coaches. He is the author of “Change Your Perception, Change Yourself!” and writes on all aspects of coaching training and development.

To get Allan’s free Book “Clients Don’t Pay for Coaching. They Pay for RESULTS!” go to (Available January 14th, 2016)

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