Sunday, 31 January 2016

Coaching Is Always About VALUE and Never About FEES!

The paradigm shift that many traditional coaches struggle with is to take the client’s focus away from coaching fees and direct it instead to the value of their coaching services! Let me illustrate this point with a simple analogy!

If you’re in the market for a new car, there is a wide range of options to choose from! Yet all these options have one thing in common! They will all get you from point A to point B!

The difference is in “how” you get you there! If you’re looking for simple transportation, you may opt for a KIA at a reasonable price point. But if you’re looking for the “ultimate driving experience”, you’re probably in the market for a BMW!

And it is this “ultimate driving experience” that will motivate you to pay the premium sticker price for the BMW instead of the economy of the KIA! If you’re focused on the “value” of a BMW, then the “fees” associated with climbing behind the wheel of this luxury vehicle become irrelevant!


Because if an “ultimate driving experience” is the outcome you’re looking for, then BMW will deliver that RESULT!

As a coach, you must present your clients with a similar alternative! If all you offer your clients is a series of coaching consultations at a premium price, you will likely be challenged on your high-end coaching fees! There will always be other coaches who offer their services at lower rates!

But what if you could shift your client’s focus away from your fees and make it all about your “ultimate coaching experience”? A coaching experience that will result in a Desired Outcome for the client!

So how can you create the “ultimate coaching experience” that is always about value and never about fees?  There are 8 value-items that will make your “ultimate coaching experience” both unique and existential to your client’s success! Incorporate these 8 value-items into your coaching program and your clients will invest in you, as if you were the “BMW of coaches”!

1.    The Value of the Initial Coaching Session (ICS)

There is a disturbing disconnect between the value of coaching and the fees that coaches charge their clients. Many traditional coaches are unable to effectively convey that value to a client when they first engage during an Initial Coaching Session. 

The reason for this is simple! If the intent of the ICS session is to “sell” the client on your coaching program, you are shifting the client’s focus away from the value of coaching and redirecting it to the cost of coaching. 

You need to make sure that your client remains completely focused and engaged for the duration of the ICS session!

·         This is not a social call!

·         This is not a coaching call!

·         This is not a sales call

·         It’s a “value confirmation” call!

As a professional coach, your ICS session is not about selling your services! It’s about confirming the value of your services.

2.    The Value of your Signature Coaching Program

Your Signature Coaching Program represents your uniqueness as a coach.  It defines you as a coach!  It is your proprietary method for creating the changes that will lead to the achievement of a Desired Outcome. It is specifically designed and created for those who are in your coaching niche.

If you don’t have a Signature Coaching Program, you will not be able to create the results your clients are looking for and generate the high-end coaching fees you’re entitled to!

3.    The Value of your Expertise.

Many coaches undervalue their expertise! “Expertise” has little to do with having an in-depth knowledge of the client’s Desired Outcome! Coaches are not consultants! (Unless the have specialized knowledge about the subject for which a client seeks coaching). But “expertise” has everything to do with the coach’s ability to coach a client to a certain outcome. The RESULT that the client wants to achieve!  

4.    The Value of your Resolve.

When you undertake a coaching assignment, you require tenacity and resolve to see it through from start to finish!  Half-measures lead to unsatisfactory results! As a coach you are a leader. So act as one! Your clients need to know that you have the resolve to help them find solutions to issues. The resolve to change course when a client is headed in the wrong direction. The resolve to take action when action is needed!

5.    The Value of your Integrity.

Of all the values you must bring to the table, integrity is at the top of the list! Every aspect of your coaching must be intrinsically linked to the level of authenticity and integrity that you possess as a coach! These are the enduring qualities that enable you to deliver the “ultimate coaching experience” clients come to expect!

6.    The Value of your Commitment.

Every type of relationship stands or falls on the value of commitment. Whether it is a personal or professional relationship, without absolute commitment to achieving the desired result, a coach/client relationship is disingenuous. But if your client senses that you’re committed to achieving the RESUT your client is after, your relationship with that client will be enduring and rewarding!

7.    The Value of your Social Proof.

Social Proof is the “holy grail” of any coaching practice. Whenever others testify to your ability for delivering RESULTS, your credibility is enshrined! Always ask for testimonials and gather it as evidence of your ability to create value for your clients.

8.    The Value of the RESULT!

The “Value of the RESULT” represents the correlation between the client’s Desired Outcome and the role you played as a coach! If you provide the  “ultimate coaching experience” by delivering on these 8 values, you will successfully shift your client’s focus away from coaching fees and allow the client to perceive the true value of your coaching program!

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© Allan N. Mulholland

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About Allan

Allan N. Mulholland is the founder and president of PersonaCoach (Int'l) LLC, which provides training and certification for life & business coaches. He is the author of “Change Your Perception, Change Yourself!” and writes on all aspects of coaching training and development.

To get Allan’s free Book “Clients Don’t Pay for Coaching. They Pay for RESULTS!” go to (Available January 14th, 2016)

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