Sunday, 16 March 2014

Creating A New "Persona Profile"

Recent television shows such as “Criminal Minds” have given new prominence to the term “profiling.” In this particular series, a profile of the “unsup” or “unknown suspect” is created, based on a set of behaviors, habits, character traits and criminal precedent. Patterns of behavior are analyzed and a “profile” is developed about the person who would be the criminal.
This profile is then used where forensic evidence alone does not immediately connect the investigators to the criminal. While I enjoy watching the show and muse about the pseudo psychology from which each episode script is derived, I am always reminded that the true power of Persona Profiling does not lie in its ability to “unmask” a potential serial killer, but in its ability to create “serial success”!
In order to fully develop the ability to create success through the application of Persona Profiling, we must first understand and appreciate the bold contrasts and the subtle nuances that are part of the science of profiling. We must be respectful of the inherent complexities of our persona profile, while at the same time marvel at the simplicity of its practical application. Once we understand why Persona Profiling is such an integral part of our daily life, we can learn how to manipulate this knowledge to our immediate advantage and ultimate success!
So what exactly is a Persona Profile?
Before I attempt to answer that question in full detail, I should point out that the concepts and methodologies I refer to are the exclusive and creative domain of this writer and all definitions, interpretations and applications are based on my vernacular usage of the term “Persona Profiling”. I make this qualification to avoid any interpretational conflicts with other uses of the term “persona profiling”. Furthermore any resemblances to other publications, writings, blogs or communications, as well as opinions expressed by others on the topic of profiling or related topics are purely coincidental and unintentional, unless specifically referenced to the original source.
As I stated earlier, profiling is relatively simple in its application. The biggest caveat in applying the principles of Persona Profiling is the need to address, alter or create all of the fundamentals that characterize your profile, and not just some of them! Every aspect of your profile is interconnected with all the other parts that make up your persona, so modifying one element at the exclusion of the others will have no chance of becoming a lasting and permanent change.
Here’s an example to illustrate this point.
Let’s say that you choose to go on a diet to lose weight. You want to lose 30 pounds and you’re making this an absolute MUST! You’ve tried to lose weight before and perhaps you did. But the weight came back. This time you’re determined to follow through. You’ve made the commitment. You’ve set your goal. You sign up with Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig or Dr. Bernstein. You’re ready!
Or maybe you’re not?
If losing weight is just a matter of following some program, then why do most people fail in the long run? Do these plans not work? Should you try something different, like the South Beach Diet or the Atkins plan? Do any of these plans work?
Well……. yes and no!
Yes, they all work. Yes, they will all help you lose weight! For a while you’ll feel better. You feel confident. Your hard work and determination is paying off! And then it happens! It almost always does. The discipline disappears and the weight reappears. The all too familiar cycle of the yo-yo dieter!
You may have changed what you eat or how you eat. You are determined to succeed, so you force this diet onto yourself. But guess what? Your “old” Persona Profile is fighting you. It doesn’t like your new lifestyle and it wants no part of it. You’re “old” Persona Profile loves to eat! You’re “old” Persona Profile is hungry! You’re “old” Persona Profile is unhappy. Very unhappy! And now you “old” Persona Profile is going to make you unhappy. And it will continue to make you feel unhappy, hungry, grouchy, irritable and downright miserable until you capitulate! Until you give up this silly notion that you want to lose weight. Because you don’t! Well, at least your “old” Persona Profile doesn’t!
Now you have a choice to make.
Either keep your “old” Persona Profile happy by eating ice cream and staying fat, or create a new Persona Profile that will not be content until you shed those unwanted pounds!
Which one will it be? Is losing those 30 pounds really a MUST? Are you prepared to step outside of your comfort zone? If the answer is “yes” than you’re ready for a new Persona Profiling!
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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