Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Evolution Of Creationism

I never understood the ideological conflict of Evolution vs. Creationism.
Intellectually, philosophically and spiritually, I conform to the notion that, if there is a Creator, it stands to reason that He created life and the heavens. Whether it all started with the “Big Bang” (can somebody please come up with a more creative title?), or whether God did it according to the Scriptures, the “blueprint” for the Universe and everything contained therein was not a random act of spontaneous combustion.
Everything in the Universe, from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to the Quantum Theory is infinitely detailed and miraculously designed to perform its unique functions. From the largest celestial object to the tiniest subatomic matter, the divinity of the Creator is hard to dispute.
But the very existence of life also depends on evolution. Everything in life must grow, multiply and adapt in order to survive. A single fertilized cell evolves into a complete organism. A species adjusts to a new habitation or an environmental change. The ability for human beings to evolve physically and intellectually has allowed it to survive and prosper in the face of incredible odds.
While the concept of evolution may cause theological discomfort to some, the essence of life is an evolutionary process. “Nothing ever stays the same” is an evidentiary rule of the Universe. Next to death and taxes, it’s the third absolute certainty in life.
I believe that everything in nature was intended to be evolutionary. To think otherwise makes absolutely no sense at an intellectual level. It is therefore important to apply both the principles of creation and evolution. Our persona must be able to create the leadership abilities that will allow us to be adaptable to evolve into a leader who can take charge and is in control of his or her life. We are all capable of developing the type of leadership that allows us to succeed at anything we want to achieve and create a passion for life.
In essence, we need to re-create ourselves.
It is the re-creation of us as a leader. Many of us have been conditioned to become followers. In fact, all of us have been followers at one time or another. Being able to transition into an effective and motivated follower is an essential pre-requisite for any leader. We cannot be leaders in everything. There are situations where we need to defer our command to someone who is more skilled or capable of assuming the leadership role. But that simply means that we recognize the effectiveness and efficiency of following someone who is eminently more qualified to lead.
The question is whether the act of following someone more qualified is in fact a surrender of our natural leadership ability or an astute decision to forego ego in favor of efficiency. More importantly, are we really subjugating our leadership qualities or only our leadership role? If we understand the fundamental leadership qualities that are inherent in all of us, than it really does not matter by whose definition we lead or follow. What is important is that our persona depicts the leader in all of us!
Two important qualities that must be enshrined in all of us are reliability and loyalty. These two qualities are essential for us to function as true leaders. In order for us to accomplish our goals and achieve our objectives, we need to further develop and enhanced these characteristics.
Developing True Leadership is the achievement of a lifetime!
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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