Sunday, 16 March 2014

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

We live in a world that is complex and chaotic. We pride ourselves on owning the latest and greatest gadgets and apps, but by the time we become familiar with all of its functions, we discover that the product is already functionally obsolete and about to be replaced by a newer version that is faster, sleeker, more versatile and cheaper!
As we marvel at the way technology has made many of our dreary and time-consuming chores more palatable, our lives are becoming increasingly more complicated and morose. While our standard of living may arguably have improved, our ability to live the lifestyle we desire has been sadly compromised. Our diet is lacking in nutritional value and obesity is at epidemic proportions. We are more reliant on drugs of any kind or substance to deal with a myriad of diseases and afflictions that were virtually unheard of a century ago. Modern medicine allows us to live longer, but many of us are missing out on a better quality of life.
Our education system is pumping out graduates who are unprepared to assimilate into the workplace. University degrees have an ever-diminishing “shelf life” and educational institutions are sabotaged in their efforts to offer a comprehensive, productive and functional curriculum. Knowledge is constantly confounded by change. Much of our manufacturing sector, which was once a mainstay of our economy, has been relegated to a have-not industry. Personal relationships are under pressure from a decline in social mores and the current divorce rate makes a mockery of the foundation of marriage, traditional or otherwise. Mainstream religion, faith and worshipping is under attack as our society tries to grapple with esoteric and maligned distortions espoused by unscrupulous religious fanatics.
The unrelenting advocacy of the elixir of youth has permeated every segment of society, giving rise to the notion that we can live forever and without consequence. We raise our children with the expectation of a better future, but we remain derelict in our duties as custodians of our planet to make this world a better place for them.
All this technological innovation and increased demand for personal productivity has created a level of anxiety not seen in any previous generation. Industry Leaders who used to balk at the notion of “re-inventing the wheel” are now anxiously awaiting the advent of “whatever will replace the wheel”.
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are three of the inalienable rights of man that are enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Yet the practical reality is that for many of us our “life” is not what we want it to be, our “liberty” is at the whim of our career or business and our “happiness” is in direct proportion to the number of bills we receive each month. Instead of wandering through an enchanted forest, we are mired in a quandary of daily survival. Life, liberty and happiness have become so elusive that our expectations of actually experiencing even a modicum of “whatever lies at the end of the rainbow” are sullied and chagrined.
“Out of chaos comes order” is a quote that is usually attributed to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, although more recently popularized by Maxwell Smart, the bumbling secret agent from the movie “Get Smart”. The essence of this profound statement is that nature will try and restore a sense of order to any situation that is in a state of “disarray”. The human mind is no different. It seeks to balance out the conflict that is created through chaos and calamity with a counter measure of reason and rationale.
While we are faced with a wholesale evolution of values and traditions that have been a steady staple of comfort and stability for previous generations, much of our perception that is designed to create some semblance of “order out of chaos”, has failed to embrace this evolutionary revolution to a new era. 
Our “old” perceptions that have served us without the need for any major modifications, have finally met a road block. While everything around us is evolving at an ever increasing pace, the only thing that has remained constant and mostly unaltered is the way in which we perceive things. And since our perceptions are largely the product of our “snug and secure” comfort zones of the past, our ability to change these perceptions is now compromised. We need to create a new perception that reflect the reality of the world we live in and is capable of processing the complexities and intricacies of the 21st Century.
We need to chart a new course of action. We need to find a new direction in order to thrive and not just survive in our chosen career or business. We need to strengthen our commitment to our family and loved ones and examine our resolve to make these relationships the anchor of choice rather than a weight on our shoulders. We need to respect our bodies as the temple of our souls, by cleansing and nurturing our physical entity for a lifetime of service to us, our society and, ultimately our universe. We need to re-asses our values and beliefs and find our moral compass to become the Leaders for the Future that others can follow and upon which they can rely. We need the ability to become the innovators and game makers of the future, before that ability is outsourced to those who have little or no vested interest in our welfare.
Personal wealth and financial freedom are the foundations for our physical independence. Our connection with our Creator will foster interdependence with our spirituality and the Universe. We MUST make this happen now, or forever be banished to a place of mediocrity and servitude. If there was ever a sense of awareness and urgency to make these paradigm shifts in our dichotomies of past and present, that awareness and urgency is here and now! Our mindset must be focused on our quest to thrive and be “alive”. In order to do so successfully, we must first become the person who would be successful! A new perception will allow us to become that person.
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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