Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Value Of Love & Commitment

“Today’s threat to the concept of family and relationships lies not in its composition, but more in its broader sense of commitment. If there is one traditional value that is under constant siege, it is the value of love & commitment.”
A new type of voyeurism is sweeping the nation. It’s called social media. Anonymous people gawking at other anonymous people through the filters of online dating sites, Facebook fan pages, Twitter tweets and the list goes on and on.
We are in a feeding frenzy to satisfy our appetite for a connection with people who are not a part of our regular environment. We are invited to watch families with a salacious desire to be exposed through the media of Reality TV. It seems as if everyone has a story to tell, a song to sing, a dance to perform and a solution to provide. And the trough is getting deeper with new fodder added every day!
Traditional values that were once the foundation of families and relationships, have been hijacked by hordes of television preachers that are leaving us mortals to wonder if we’ll ever understand the process of salvation.
I believe in the concept of the family, traditional or otherwise. I make no judgment on those who believe in a family composition that is different from the traditional father, mother and 2.3 children. I believe that the family unit is the nucleus of society and the foundation for a prolonged civilization. I don’t believe that a single parent family or a gay/lesbian family will lead to the destruction of moral values as we know it. I am far more concerned with protecting our children from the harmful effects of eating a Happy Meal at McDonald’s than “exposing” them to a diverse society that embraces all people, whether they are traditional or uniquely different.
Love is the strongest emotion known to man. People have died in the pursuit if love. Wars have been fought and kingdoms have been won or lost as a result of love. Love is a basic human need. We can deny it, but deep-down we all desire it!
Love is our most precious commodity, yet it is also the most elusive. We can build a family or a relationship based on trust, respect, financial stability and social values, but we cannot sustain a family or relationship without love. To invest love prudently is wise; to hoard love is foolish.
Do you remember the first time you fell in love?
There is something magical about that first embrace and that first kiss. It will remain in your mind forever. Sometimes our first love is the strongest we will ever experience. Perhaps that is because our first love is usually unconditional. We’re simply too young to understand that life, society and circumstance places conditions on who and how we love. This is the practical reality of love and the reason why we need to give it prudently! I’m not suggesting that we should be overly analytical about the experience of love, but we need to be able to put into perspective our reaction to the experience of love.
And therein lies the true substance of enduring love. Experience!
To experience love is to emotionally and physically connect with someone. It can last a moment, a day, a year or a lifetime. But to make our love the experience of a lifetime, we must shore up the foundation that will sustain our love through times of trial and adversity. If we don’t do that, our love will collapse like a house of cards. And I’m sure we’ve all had that experience!
How do we build a family or relationship that is based on the fundamentals of love and commitment? We must first create a Persona Profile that will deliver on the promises we make. Our family or relationship carries little value of we can’t deliver on the promises we initially made. Our first priority in being a part of any family or relationship is to honest, trustworthy, respectful and committed. And we don’t need to be in love to become that person! As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t start a new family or relationship if you haven’t yet learned the value of love and commitment!
If you already have a family or are in a relationship and you find that you are experiencing problems and challenges that can undermine or destroy your family unit or your relationship, now is the time to take action!
Before it’s too late!
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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