Sunday, 16 March 2014

"Suddenly Single" And Flying Solo

Coaching Suddenly Singles is the most rewarding and satisfying experience of my life. Helping those who struggle with the emotional trauma of a separation, divorce or the loss of a loved one has been my divinely inspired calling and I’m truly blessed to be able to help those who became suddenly single to achieve a new and fulfilling life without limits!
I strive to free my clients from the shackles of the past, but this is not a sequence of targeted goals based on some artificial time-line. Becoming suddenly single brings forth a unique set of challenges that is different for each client. While the overall objective of relationship coaching is to transition the client to a new and fulfilling lifestyle in the shortest possible time, great care is exercised to make sure that the transition is permanent and stable.
Most coaching programs are based on some type of “goal-setting”. I prefer to focus on the overall objective of making the paradigm shift from the past to the future. There is no set curriculum to achieving that objective. There are no written exams to measure the client’s progress.
Yet this progress is measurable, even if the goals are not strictly defined. So instead of reaching targeted goal objectives, I measure my client’s progress by the changes that he or she is making in their life and that will position them to achieve the ultimate objective of “flying solo”!
I refer to these changes as “reaching a Coaching Climax”.
Some “Coaching Climaxes” are very subtle and almost indistinguishable, while others are extremely profound. But small or large, each “Coaching Climax” is a personal victory and an achievement worthy of a celebration. Each “Coaching Climax” brings the client one step closer to that ultimate objective of personal freedom and control over their destiny!
The greatest “Coaching Climax” and often the most satisfying is when a coaching client learns to fly solo! No longer imperiled by the emotional demons of the past, the client is ready to complete the transition to a life without limits! The submission to fate has been replaced by the power of faith! Instead of being controlled, she is now in control! Instead of a victim of circumstance, he has now become victorious. The client is whole once again and their dreams, desires and aspirations are beckoning them to reclaim their inalienable right to love, happiness and a fulfilling life without limits!
This is a glorious moment! This is the moment the client commits to achieving when they first start on their coaching journey! It is also a bittersweet moment for this is where my relationship as a coach usually end. But many of my clients are now life-long friends and I welcome this new relationship wholeheartedly.
Yes, seeing a client flying solo is my greatest reward!
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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