When I coach suddenly singles, they often express a myriad of emotions and beliefs that leave them totally debilitated and depressed. They feel that they have lost everything that was significant in their lives; their partner, their lifestyle, their hopes, their dreams and their future.
When my clients are at that stage, my role as a Suddenly Single coach is to help them find a reconnect with their soul, their divine Spirit! While many suddenly singles look for sympathy, what they really need is guidance. They need to re-discover who they truly are.
You can lose a relationship with your partner or loved one, you can lose all your worldly possessions, but you can never lose your connection with your Creator. And as your Creator is eternal, so is your soul!
Many suddenly singles are so overwhelmed and traumatized by the events of the moment, that they fail to value the most important connection they have. Their connection with the Universe, their Creator, God, Allah, Jehovah or however your Divine Spirit is referred to in your own personal faith.
Your soul is the connection between your conscious thoughts and the divinely inspired thoughts of the Universe. Here are seven steps to open the “blockage” that is created through your disempowering reactions to your suddenly single situation and the universal truths that will enable you to move forward in a new direction. A direction that is in total alignment with your future happiness and one that will create a Life Without Limits!
So conquer these demons and set free the divine Spirit that lies within you!
Step 1 – Recognize that you’re a divine creation of God. As such, you are infinitely whole and beautiful. You do not need the approval of other to re-define yourself. If others have tried to define and mold you in ways that would serve them but were incongruent with your values and beliefs, now is the time to let go and let God! Your glorious journey didn’t suddenly end, it is only just beginning!
Step 2 – You deserve to live a life that will empower you, in stead of destroying or demoralizing you. Allow your faith to abolish your fears and let your Spirit guide you to a new and loving relationship with your God, your soul and your world. Once the Spirit is allowed to fill the emptiness resulting from being suddenly single, you will find that new connections and new relationships are coming your way and embolden your life with renewed promise and energy!
Step 3 – No matter how lonely you may feel in the moment, you’re never truly alone! Once your Spirit becomes in sync with your soul and your Creator, you’ll discover that the right circumstances will move you in your divine direction and that the right people will be there to assure your success in arriving at your destiny.
Step 4 – You’re never too old to discover true love and happiness. Once you commit to loving God and your soul, the purity of your convictions will act as a magnet for others to want to be with you. You are an infinite being. The physical age of your body has no bearing on making a deep and lasting relationship with someone who is aligned to your Spirit!
Step 5 – Don’t be in a rush to find a replacement for your current loss. This is a time where you need to be fluid, as your emotions and objectives will oftentimes be at odds with each other and the Universe. Allow your Spirit to take all the time it needs to reconnect your soul to the Universe. Practice infinite patience. Remember, until your love for God and your faith in yourself is in complete harmony, you are not ready to be open to a fulfilling and loving relationship.
Step 6 – Remember that your Past does not equal your Future! There is a divine purpose to all those who enter and leave your life. You need to fully understand that you are suddenly single through circumstances beyond your control. And while the reasons for your sudden loss may be obscured, your faith and your connection to God will enable you to re-align yourself with the Universe and attract those into your life that can offer spiritual and material abundance.
Step 7 – Understand that your current state as a suddenly single is simply that! It is a temporary state. The Suddenly Single Purgatory has no permanence! Once you accept the reality of that statement, you’re well on your way to a path of re-discovery and wondrous opportunity for a Life Without Limits!
© 2014 Allan N. Mulholland, CPC
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